Structure & Departments

EAPCCO structure is made up of the Council of Police Chiefs (CPC) of the 14 member countries. The CPC is assisted and advised by the Permanent Coordinating Committee (PCC) consisting of the Heads of Criminal Investigations Departments of member countries.
The CPC created four sub-committes; Gender Sub-Committee (GSC), Legal Sub-Committee (LSC), Training Sub-Committee and the Counter-Terrorism Sub committee. The sub-committes are responsible for; formulating strategies, creation of operational mechanisms and any other responsibility that the CPC may task them in combating crime in the region.
To address any specific topical issue, the CPC is mandated to form task units known as Working Groups to carry out any instructions or function where necessary.
EAPCCO holds its Annual General Meeting rotationally in member countries. The INTERPOL Regional Bureau serves as the Secretariat.