EAPPCO Field Training Exercises

EAPPCO Field Training Exercises

The 4th Field Training exercise (FTX) was conducted based on the guidance of the Council of Police Chiefs while in the 25th EAPPCO Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in Bujumbura, Burundi. The FTX took place in Tanzania Police School – Moshi and the field exercises were conducted in Kilelepoli campus. The FTX was conducted between 12th and 19th April 2024. Seven member countries participated in the exercise. The aim of this event was to continuously train and test EAPCCO’s capability to plan, deploy and execute their preparedness to prevent and respond to terrorism and other transnational organized crimes. The first two exercises were held in Uganda while the third was held in Kenya in May 2023 and July 2017 respectively.

The exercise had the following specific objectives.

  1. To prepare countries in the region to face the challenges posed by the current and future terrorist threats and to assess the readiness of the region to counter these threats:
  2. To prepare countries in the region to form a combined effort to counter, react and investigate terror attacks:
  3. Improve awareness of the different types of threats terrorism presents:
  4. Maintain and enhance regional cohesion and cooperation:
  5. Improve cooperation and interoperability of police components in EAPCCO

EAPCCO Organs’ Session Kicks off in Addis Ababa, held on 11, April, 2023.

The meeting was on addressing matters with regards to common crimes such as terrorism, financial crime, cyber-crime, counterfeiting, narcotics, human trafficking, arm trafficking and crime against children. There was emphasis on the importance of collective obligation to combat terrorism and transnational organized crimes in the interest of regional stability, peace and development. Attached below is the link: https://www.fanabc.com/english/eapcco-committees-session-kicks-off-in-addis-ababa/

IGP Namuhoranye attends EAPCCO General Meeting in Burundi, Held on 25 October, 2023

These include embracing modern technology in the fight against terrorism and transnational organized crime; utilizing INTERPOL policing capabilities; and ratifying relevant international instruments and harmonizing legislations controlling access to precursor chemicals and explosives. They also resolved to strengthen exchange of information on the import, export, and production of precursor chemicals including other components, to reduce the risk of assembling and using improvised explosive devices; and public education on explosives, ordinates and explosive components. Attached is the link: https://police.gov.rw/media/news-detail/news/igp-namuhoranye-attends-eapcco-general-meeting-in-burundi/


The statute outlines the collaboration and fulfillment of mandates that AFRIPOL may choose to form in order to enhance its capacity within police cooperation. The establishment of INTERPOL NCB liaison office within the NCB offices in AU member countries is testament to the cooperation on cross-border investigations, operations and arrest through the secure global police communications network called I-24/7. Attached below is the link: https://au.int/sites/default/files/treaties/37290-treaty-0061_-_statute_of_the_african_union_mechanism_for_police_cooperation_afripol_e.pdf


The report is by the Global Center on Cooperative Security (2012) EAPCCO’s primary activities include encouraging, developing, and facilitating police training activities among its member states in partnership with the Interpol Secretariat, member states, and external partners in partnership with the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative and African Policing Civilian Oversight Forum, EAPCCO assisted in the development of a framework of common standards in policing for the EAC in accordance with international and continental human rights norms.


The Project aimed at strengthening policing capabilities in the EAC member countries in order to combat terrorism and transnational organized crime, through increased I-24/7 connectivity and interoperability between EAC national systems and INTERPOL databases. Attached below is the link: https://eapcco.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/I-EAC-PROJECT-TO-COMBAT-TERRORISM0AAND-TRANSNATIONAL-ORGANIZED0ACRIME-IN-THE-REGION.pdf

INTERPOL Chief outlines ongoing assistance to East Africa police, dated 18 September 2020.

The INTERPOL Chief, Secretary General Jürgen Stock highlighted the importance of a secure technical infrastructure for law enforcement communication. Under the I-ONE project, new equipment has been delivered to National Central Bureaus in 10 EAPCCO countries, with work ongoing to extend access to INTERPOL’s global databases to airports, seaports and border crossings. He also pointed to the creation of INTERPOL’s Regional Counter Terrorism Node for Eastern and Southern Africa to unify national, regional and global law enforcement efforts. Below is the link: https://www.interpol.int/en/News-and-Events/News/2020/INTERPOL-Chief-outlines-ongoing-assistance-to-East-Africa-police

INTERPOL-led operation targets growing cyber threats, dated 1 February 2024

The launching of Operation Synergia, which ran from September to November 2023, in response to the clear growth, escalation and professionalization of transnational cybercrime and the need for coordinated action against new cyber threats as part of a global INTERPOL operation targeting phishing, malware and ransomware attacks. Attached is the link: https://www.interpol.int/en/News-and-Events/News/2024/INTERPOL-led-operation-targets-growing-cyber-threats